Organic Honey 500g
Organic Honey 500g
Karen, a third generation beekeeper in Tamworth Ontario, where she manages 450 colonies of bees. Karen and her summer student harvest approximately 35,000 lbs of honey per year.
The bees collect nectar from the common wildflowers that grow in the fields and forests of southern Ontario. These include sweet clover, alfalfa, alsike clover, milkweed, basswood, linden, honey locust, aster and golden rod, just to name a few.
No chemicals are used in the removal and processing of our wildflower honey. Organic beekeeping practices are used in order to provide a high quality natural product. This honey is not pasteurized. It will crystallize, especially if stored between 50 - 60 degrees F. To liquefy, gently warm in a water bath or at a low setting in your oven.